Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Hi-Ho-Hi-Ho Back to Children's we go...

Happy Wednesday! 
     We had Bradley's second follow-up MRI today following his ETV procedure last month with Dr. Smyth (if you'd like to read about it, there is a really cool article here). Two weeks ago his first MRI showed that the ventricles were already smaller (yahoo!) but now he had a subdural collection of fluid that was outside of his brain, but still under his skull. We were sent home with directions to keep watching him (with the list of neurological symptoms to keep an eye for) and to follow up in two weeks, today, for another MRI. We knew if the fluid pocket was still there they would want to admit him and drain it but he's been doing great the last few weeks, no symptoms at all. However, today they told us the pocket was not only still there, it was bigger. So now what? Luckily Dr. Smyth and his team always have a plan B and are really keeping on top of Bradley in hopes of allowing his brain to develop as typically as possible. We will be going back next Thursday and he will head to the OR for a drain to be placed in hopes of removing all of the fluid from where it shouldn't be. It could take a few days or it could take a full week, we won't know until we get there. If the fluid doesn't slow down after 5-6 days he can take him back to the OR to try something else, and on it goes. We're now seeing why hydrocephalus is a chronic condition, and often require numerous operations.
     Selfishly, I want to scream. Hospital stays are never easy, but after the horrendous just 48 hour stay we had last month a full week seems nearly impossible. Instantly the logistics of all this start swimming around my head--stress of figuring out how to make sure someone is with Bradley all the time, feeling guilty about being away from Joel so much, knowing how B doesn't sleep well in the hospital, plain fear of him enduring another operation so soon. I appreciate having the time to process and prepare, but it's also 7 days to worry. And pray. And eat something. And then pray again.  

     But like I said, I know those are all really selfish thoughts and we trust Dr. Smyth and his team 100%. We know this is what is best for Bradley and in the big picture, will hopefully be nothing more than a bump in the road. Now, who from the D room wants to pick up shifts next weekend on 12?! We can have a Memorial Day picnic....I'll bring the watermelon. 

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