About Me

My name is Emily and I am the proud Mama of twin boys, Bradley & Joel. Our journey to parenthood was anything but ordinary, and I’m here to share our story. My hope is that our struggles through not only infertility but also an extended NICU stay can help others know they aren’t alone & offer as much support as possible.
Bryan and I live in St. Louis, MO with our (former) 24 weekers, Bradley and Joel who are now almost 6 months old. We have two dogs::Chunkers and Millie:: and a cat who thinks this is his house and he’s just letting us all stay here. I worked as an early childhood special ed teacher in a school district close to our house until we made the decision that it would be best for us if I stayed home with the boys until they’re able to come to school with me when they turn two.
We have the best family and friends that have supported us through all of these trials but also celebrated with us during the triumphs. I love a good binge watch of a TV show, online shopping and Diet Coke =)

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