Monday, May 23, 2016

8 months old!

Hi All! 
      We have to be at Children's at 6:15 tomorrow & surgery is scheduled for 7:30. We know things can run on "hospital" time if something emergent comes in; which we are totally okay with as we've been that family several times. I've tried to anticipate any of his gear that we might need during the hospital stay and packed accordingly. If you know me well, you can imagine the amount of lists we have around here. Another piece to the puzzle is figuring out who can be where and when to make sure that someone is with B at all times (and that Joel isn't left home with Millie). Luckily our parents are able to help big time & Bryan has time off work. These are all little details compared to his health but I'm hoping it will make the stay easier on everyone. 
    The boys got new high chairs (which they LOVE!) and they enjoy playing in them after they eat, too. One of Bradley's favorites, as you can see, is vanilla yogurt.
Also, they're 8 months old today! How is that possible?!  Bradley got a little overwhelmed with my antics, poor guy. 

Let's Go Blues!


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