Friday, July 1, 2016

So far, So good!

Happy Friday Friends! 
We've had a wonderfully uneventful two weeks! The boys turned 9 months, we've been doing some pretty fun Summer stuff, Bradley got (another) Physical Therapist, B started a dose of Pepcid and oh yeah...

                         BRADLEY'S NG TUBE IS GONE!!! 

 Technically, it's a two week trial without it to see if he can continue to gain and grow all on his own, but we are hopeful its gone for good. The volume he is taking by bottle has gone up to 4oz and he is still eating off a spoon like a wild man. Fingers crossed he does well and we can kiss those tubes and tape goodbye.We check back in with our Pediatrician next week to see how he's grown. It's a pretty awesome thing to finally see his face without ANYTHING after 9 long months. 

Bradley has really grown over the last two weeks (and his hair has finally grown in since he hasn't had constant haircuts in the OR!). I had a long talk with him after our last Neuro appointment that if Dr. Smyth was going on vacation for 10 days, I needed him to keep himself together while he was gone-lol! First Choice (the private therapy company) has added another physical therapist for him (that makes therapist #6) to help with his abdominal strength and range of motion in his neck. I'm going to need to come up with a list or something to remember all of our therapy "homework" (stretches and activities) I need to be doing with each boy during the day- it's starting to get overwhelming to try and remember.

      Luckily our primary therapists from First Steps (MO's version of early intervention) are very realistic and know that our lives don't totally revolve around how many neck stretches Bradley has done and how many minutes Joel has been bearing weight on his arms in a day. It can be so tough doing Bradley's stretches with him when he gets upset, but I just keep reminding myself how good this will be for him in the long run. Professionally, early intervention is something I have become pretty passionate about and have seen just how much outcomes can drastically be impacted when therapies are utilized early on. Time to work boys....

We hope everyone has a great Fourth of July! It's my all time favorite holiday and we have plans to see lots of family and friends (not to mention the boys have had red, white and blue outfits since this time last year-lol!) This StL weather better get on board because we are ready to have a great weekend- full of chaos, loud and as much teething as is going on around here- I am determined to get us all out the door =)

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